Multifuncionalidade da agricultura urbana e periurbana: uma revisão sistemática
Multifunctionality, Urban and peri-urban agricultureAbstract
The article is a systematic review of the literature on the multifunctionality of urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) found in the Science Direct (Elsevier), Scientific Electronic Library (Scielo) and Portal de Periódicos CAPES databases, using the descriptors “agricultura urbana” AND “multifuncionalidade”, “agricultura urbana” AND “multifuncional”, “urban agriculture” AND “multifunctionality”, “urban agriculture” AND “multifunctional”. Fourteen articles were selected according to these search, inclusion and exclusion criteria that pertained to this theme and research interest. For each article, seven types of data were identified during text analysis, as follows: (1) title; (2) year of publication; (3) authors; (4) journal; (5) location of study; (6) types of UPA; and (7) functions of UPA. It was possible to develop a classification for the UPA functions in three major dimensions: sociocultural, economic and environmental. It became clear that UPA and its function and types provide benefits and can be used and stimulated through public policies as a strategy for the development of sustainable food systems and healthier urban and peri-urban environments. Finally, it was possible to conclude that UPA can be an important tool to attain the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as recommended by the United Nations in 2015.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Roberta Moraes Curan, Paulo Eduardo Moruzzi Marques

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