No ar: Carro voador como máquina autônoma sem emissão em análise de viabilidade
Autonomous flying car, eVOLT, Zero carbon, Urban Air MobilityAbstract
This study bring a suspicious analysis that flying cars do not come out of prototypes testing when the intention is to be autonomous. Based on the theory of Diffusion and Innovation, by Everett Rogers, applied to the urban air mobility sector, the objective was to explore certain barrier of this technology, the main goal beeing the risks related to security, knowing that the adoption or rejection of innovations is what Gabriel Tarde identified as a crucial research question, As a method, the idea was to verify recent information by documental search among articles, reports and news, to get prepared to interviews the aviation experts (one from Gol Airlines, which chose to acquire a foreign model, other from Eve, e two other ex-Embraer), resulting in discussing and demonstrating the trajectories in the eVTOLs (eletric vertical take-off and landing) context, with bets on sustainability when they promise zero carbon emissions.
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