Ficções do despojo. Precariedade e memória na escrita de Nélida Piñon e Ana Teresa Torres
Gestures, Memory, Contemporary narrative, Precariousness, MedialityAbstract
In this work I analyze the ways explored by the writers Nélida Piñon and Ana T. Torres to textualize memory in their A república dos sonhos (1984) and La escribana del viento (2013), respectively. I will resort to Piñon ‘s essays, as she insists on the cunning of female language to position herself and manages to enthrone herself as a narrator. I will ground my analysis into the thought of Ana Teresa Torres, when she states that contemporary writing is configured as “fictions of dispossession”. In the relationship between memory and spoil, some notions arise such as the idea of “leftover” and the idea of “garbage”. To understand them, I need to make use of the thought of Benjamin and Aleida Assmann, as well as other intellectuals – Levinas, Gagnebin – who define the limits between memory and history. This path allows me to affirm that the ruin is a central idea in the “fictions of dispossession”, as these fictions are positioned in the present, but making the ruins of the past palpable, while leaving precariousness as a legacy.
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