Tomada de decisão nas organizações: o que muda com a Inteligência Artificial?
Artificial intelligence, Future of work, Organizational decisionsAbstract
Many industries and departments inside organizations have been using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to support managers in making strategic, tactic, and operational decisions. This article summarizes research based on secondary data, analyzing 128 cases of AI usage. It seeks to understand how AI has been contributing to organizational decision-making. It was possible to identify more representativeness of AI adoption in Operations and Marketing areas, mainly in operational decisions and as support for decision making that still includes human beings as part of the decision process.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Abraham Sin Oih Yu, André Nardy, Heloiza Izumi Hirano, Jefferson Freitas Amancio de Oliveira, Nathan de Vasconcelos Ribeiro, Nei Grando

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