A saúde pública no Brasil
Public health, Public administration, Unified Health System (SUS), Federal government, Ministry of HealthAbstract
The essay provides a retrospective analysis of the last ten years of the Federal Government and of Public Health in Brazil. It initially expounds the history of how the Brazil's Public Health System was built - the SUS [Unified Health System] and its main players. It then analyzes the SUS, its goals, functions, policies and principles. Finally, it examines Brazil's progressive government over the last ten years with regard to health care. And concludes with the contumacious noncompliance of the legislation and public policies that have always advocated health care.Downloads
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Public Health
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How to Cite
Carvalho, G. (2013). A saúde pública no Brasil. Estudos Avançados, 27(78), 7-26. https://periodicos.usp.br/eav/article/view/68675