Isto não é uma obra: Arte e ditadura
This essay gives a panorama of art during the period of military dictatorship in Brazil; specifically, it studies the construction of art as an action and dematerialization of the artwork. Starting with the abstract art of the 50s and 60s, the Theory of Non-object of Ferreira Gullar and the papers of Mário Pedrosa, the essay focuses on works of Willys de Castro, Ligya Clark, Artur Barrio, Meireles, Manuel Antonio and 3NÓS3 group, as well into the so-called Boycott of Bienal de São Paulo in 1969.Downloads
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50 Years Since the 1964 Coup
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How to Cite
Cayses, J. B. V. de. (2014). Isto não é uma obra: Arte e ditadura . Estudos Avançados, 28(80), 115-128.