O trabalho no Brasil: traçado interpretativo de sua história de formação e de sua crítica
The following article discusses the formation and the crisis of labor in Brazil, questioning about its specificity. This study reveals the territorialization of capital from which the national State arises as a particular process of expropriation - the region - marked by specific relations of labor, up to the moment when the social conditions of wage labor were formed. At the end, it deals with the question of the reborn of slave labor in Brazil as a form of manifestation of the collapse of modernization as a global phenomenon and not as specific to the national territory.Downloads
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Work, Employment and Income
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How to Cite
Heidemann, H. D., Toledo, C. de A., & Boechat, C. A. (2014). O trabalho no Brasil: traçado interpretativo de sua história de formação e de sua crítica . Estudos Avançados, 28(81), 55-67. https://periodicos.usp.br/eav/article/view/83894