O trabalho à procura de um direito: crise econômica, conflitos de classe e proteção social na Modernidade


  • Antonio Rodrigues de Freitas Jr. Universidade de São Paulo; Faculdade de Direito


The article reviews the milestones of economic and social history of the West, since the French Revolution, indicating the need for changes in the legal regulation of work. This is true particularly for Brazil, in which the legal frame devoted do labor regulation was established during the thirties of the 20th century. In order to determine the content and direction of legal change we need to take into account the factors that caused the decline of the Welfare State. And that on account of the fact that the Welfare State was not only the best known political project as one that came closest to reconcile democracy and income distribution.


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Work, Employment and Income

How to Cite

Freitas Jr., A. R. de. (2014). O trabalho à procura de um direito: crise econômica, conflitos de classe e proteção social na Modernidade . Estudos Avançados, 28(81), 69-93. https://periodicos.usp.br/eav/article/view/83895