Políticas públicas de educação
This report is a synthesis of the discussions held by the Group of Studies on Educational Policy of the I.E.A. from June to October 1991, as a part of the activities of the Education and Citizenship Project. It considers the role that education is to be playng in a new development model for developing countries in order to balance equity and competitiveness Arguing that the poor quality of primary education in Brazil has been brought about by high centralized and unaccountable management, the author makes recommandations in favour of improving primary education management. School autonomy and accountability are stregthened.Downloads
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How to Cite
Mello, G. N. de. (1991). Políticas públicas de educação . Estudos Avançados, 5(13), 7-47. https://periodicos.usp.br/eav/article/view/8619