A malária encenada no grande teatro social
This paper deals with the conflicts that permeated the history of malaria from the 17th century on. It shows that in many instances - due to the enormous importance of malaria as a major enemy of mankind - problems purely of medical nature extrapolated the frontiers of medicine and involved large social segments As a consequence, medical differences of opinion were transferred to the public in a distorted and amplified fashion. This generated passionate and partisan disputes of religious, political, social and even racial nature. Thus, throughout the history of malaria, we assist to a self-serving manipulation of facts by antagonistic groups interested in the preservation of their beliefs and dogmas rather than in the solving of the real medical problems posed by malaria.Downloads
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How to Cite
Camargo, E. P. (1995). A malária encenada no grande teatro social . Estudos Avançados, 9(24), 211-228. https://periodicos.usp.br/eav/article/view/8875