As Ciências da Terra e a mundialização das sociedades
Following the principles contained in the Agenda 21, the main agreement reached during the unced-92, the future sustainable society shall exhibit an equitable socio-economic development, all over the world, in harmony with the life support systems of our planet. The Earth sciences have a crucial role, because they have the responsibility of the search, provision and management of mineral and energetic resources, the conservation and management of soils and water, the continuous monitoring of the dynamic processes of the Earth system, and the prevention and mitigation of natural disasters. Solidarity among people is needed in order to achieve a truly equitable sustainable society, worried with social justice. However, the current trends of economic globalization, commanded mainly by transnational business corporations, give low priorities to issues such as environmental preservation, as well as socio-economic development of Third World countries. Such trends shall be reversed, and Earth scientists and professionals shall become proactive in instructing politicians, educators, and the general public, in the wise planning of the development activities, in order to avoid crucial mistakes for the environment.Downloads
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How to Cite
Cordani, U. G. (1995). As Ciências da Terra e a mundialização das sociedades . Estudos Avançados, 9(25), 13-27.