O modelo da interação entre as atividades científicas e os valores na interpretação das práticas científicas contemporâneas
In the first part of this article, we summarize the standardized version of the model of the interaction between scientific activities and values (M-CV) presented in Lacey & Mariconda (in press). Then, we sketch some arguments, developed (Lacey, in press) from the model, in favor of three proposals: (1) that there is a profound incoherence in the self understanding of the modern scientific tradition; (2) that the main options actually available to ensure continuity with the positive realizations of this tradition can be well represented by two sorts of ideal types that we name, respectively, "commercially orientated technoscience" and "multi-strategic research" (P-MS); and (3) that, despite the fact that TC predominates in the actual scientific institutions and that they leave little room for the development of P-MS, nevertheless, for the sake of the integrity of science and of strengthening democratic interests, it is urgent to explore the possibilities opened by P-MS.Downloads
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Science, Values and Alternatives I
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How to Cite
Lacey, H., & Mariconda, P. R. (2014). O modelo da interação entre as atividades científicas e os valores na interpretação das práticas científicas contemporâneas . Estudos Avançados, 28(82), 181-199. https://periodicos.usp.br/eav/article/view/88926