Florestan Fernandes e a educação
This article highlights the important part played by Florestan Fernandes for the development of education in Brasil. Departing from his own works, my exposition has been organized around four focal points: the educator, the scientist, the activist, and the advertiser. The first aspect focuses on the figure of the teacher evincing the deep educational significance which characterized his teaching activity. The second one emphasizes the role education played in his scientific research. The third point deals with his engagement in the fight for public education. Finally, the fourth aspect brings to the surface the tireless advertiser striving to propagate, in every way within his reach, the cause of a high quality public school open to every Brazilian citizen.Downloads
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Presença de Florestan Fernandes
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How to Cite
Saviani, D. (1996). Florestan Fernandes e a educação . Estudos Avançados, 10(26), 71-87. https://periodicos.usp.br/eav/article/view/8917