Os discursos sobre as raças e a ciência
IN THIS ARTICLE is proposed some reflection provoked by the recent events in France where far-right leaders have not hesitated to make openly racist statements in public. Our society and civilization, unless they are destroyed and denied, are founded on the idea that men, naturally or culturally different, are essentially equal, i. e., equal in their basic rights and duties. This is a decision which has a political significance and is based on a axiological choice, a choice of values. Such choice rests on a knowledge rooted in the experience of mankind and the history of the peoples on the earth.Downloads
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How to Cite
Paty, M. (1998). Os discursos sobre as raças e a ciência . Estudos Avançados, 12(33), 157-170. https://periodicos.usp.br/eav/article/view/9417