Lembrar, esquecer, censurar
THE MAIN goal of this article is to describe in a detailed way the connections between power, censorship and memory, during the final stage of Pombal's regime. Its mains source are the written records of the Real Mesa Censória (Royal Censorship Board) the institution of censorship that Pombal created to replace the tripartite censorship that lasted for more than two centuries. A voyage to some of its reports will allow us to understand their reports as an attempt to control what should be remembered and what should be forgotten, but also in what ways it should be remembered or forgotten. Finally, these reports will be understood as documents that record an intellectual task; objects for reading and interpretation, and part of a broader dialogue between power and culture.Downloads
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How to Cite
Tavares, R. (1999). Lembrar, esquecer, censurar . Estudos Avançados, 13(37), 125-154. https://periodicos.usp.br/eav/article/view/9491