A dinâmica do novo regime monetário-financeiro norte-americano: uma hipótese de interpretação


  • Marcos Antonio Macedo Cintra Fundap; Diretoria de Economia do Setor Público


The article is an interpretation of the current dynamics of the North American monetary system, and its relations with enterprises, the Federal Reserve system, the Treasury and the rest of the world. The author looked into the emergence of a specific mode of operation of a predominantly financial, unearned income-based type of capitalism, in which sophisticated, encompassing capital markets, forced to perform a daily evaluation of assets (foreign exchange, shares, securities, and property) prevail. Moreover, this way of managing resources has become a paradigm for the rest of the world: financial operations started to occur in a global space, stemming hierarchically from the North American financial system, and being made possible by the monetary policies of the hegemonic nation, and imitated by developed and developing countries.


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How to Cite

Cintra, M. A. M. (2000). A dinâmica do novo regime monetário-financeiro norte-americano: uma hipótese de interpretação . Estudos Avançados, 14(39), 103-141. https://periodicos.usp.br/eav/article/view/9531