Encontro de duas culturas: América e Europa
The article discusses the legitimary of the use of the expression " discovery" for the finding of new land anda populations during the expansionism of the 14th and 15th centuries. The resulting new historical horizon is a landmark in history, marking the beginning of modern times. It is importante to fows on the finding of different cultures, such as happened when Europeans arrived in America. The meeting of these cultures led to aprocen of mutual influencing, Although the Europeans imposed their culture to a greater extent, they also absorbed Idian cultural traits. Initially the New Word was seen more as a matter for Geography than History. Only modern social science is able to understand the problem and to point out a solution.Downloads
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How to Cite
Iglésias, F. (1992). Encontro de duas culturas: América e Europa . Estudos Avançados, 6(14), 23-37. https://periodicos.usp.br/eav/article/view/9564