Endo-referência de uma ciência formalizada da natureza
The paper develops epistemological implications of the idea that, when a theory is in state of abstract formalization (as to-day physical theory, quantum physics for instance is), the meaning of its concepts and propositions, which are aiming at the representation and intelligibility of the external physical world is however to be taken from within the theory itself. " It is the theory itself which dictates the physical significance of its propositions" in the words of Heisenberg and Einstein. It contains also the analysis of what is meant by " formalized theory" for a science with empirical content as physics and concludes that it cannot be reduced to a mere "interpreta formalism" in the sense of logical impiricism. Finaly it works on the sense of endoreference connctions with a kantian concept of a priori synthetic.Downloads
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How to Cite
Paty, M. (1992). Endo-referência de uma ciência formalizada da natureza . Estudos Avançados, 6(14), 107-141. https://periodicos.usp.br/eav/article/view/9569