Considerações sobre o Mercosul
In the first part of this article, the author, after delineating the historical and circumstancial sources regarding the process of integration in the Prata Basin, analyses the characteristics of the Traty of Asunción (Paraguay) through a detailed organizational chart. In the second part, three open questions are discussed: (a) the process of institutionalization which involves the constitution of some supranationalization which invoves the constitution of some supranational space which will be closely related to the objectives of the process; (b) the relationships between the Mercosul and the Nafta and the definition of a cooperative program; (c) the level of participation of the State into the integrationist process under the dear need of a reconversion of some economic sectors.Downloads
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How to Cite
Seitenfus, R. (1992). Considerações sobre o Mercosul . Estudos Avançados, 6(16), 117-131.