A cultura musical erudita na universidade: refúgio, resistência e expectativas
The musical training from Colonial Brazil to the present. The fall of the conservatory. The University: under graduate musical studies and graduate studies; publications; recordings. The musical performance research within and out of the University. Arithmetic progression (descending) of the erudite musical culture and geometric progression (ascending) of the mass musical culture. Government (vote), private iniciative (profit), media (mass reception) : pragmatic interrelations, resulting in the dismanting of the erudite musical culture. Check of musical critique. International events in Brazil and misuse of funds. Musical festivals: comparisons. Brazilian musicians: surviving by catering to the market or insisting on quality? Cultural dispreparation of the politician: Business man and musical manager. The University as refuge of the erudite musical culture.Downloads
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How to Cite
Martins, J. E. (1993). A cultura musical erudita na universidade: refúgio, resistência e expectativas . Estudos Avançados, 7(18), 163-181. https://periodicos.usp.br/eav/article/view/9625