Globalização: novo paradigma das ciências sociais
Social sciences are now being challenged to think on the world's globalization. At the end of the twentieth century and dawn of the twenty first, they are faced with the dilemas that open up with the globalization of things, people and ideas: There are social, economical, political, cultural and other processes and structures that are just begining to be studied. Besides what is local, national and regional, new and fundamental problems appear with the rising global society. The geographic, historical, cultural and civilizatorian limits seem to change in surprising ways and directions. The individual, group, class, colectivity and people are put before other horizons. The scientific thinking itself is called upon to elaborate concepts and interpretations to account for little known realities. The globalization theories that are just being sketched show the efforts of Social Sciences to explain what is new going on in the world.Downloads
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How to Cite
Ianni, O. (1994). Globalização: novo paradigma das ciências sociais . Estudos Avançados, 8(21), 147-163.