Uma visão da Europa em expressões plásticas ameríndias
The Mesoamerican codices enable us to see, with a certain degree of precision, unexpected traits of images of Europe when shaped in other cultures. With this in mind, our paper aims to explore certain forms that show up when the interpreter of the afore mentioned codices focuses his interest in the type of relationship that the different semiotic systems - pictographic, ideographic and phonetic - maintain in the plastic space of the texts. From this perspective, it is possible to enjoy the poetic meaning of the metaphors used by the Amerindians in order to exprees unusual visions of European people and things.Downloads
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How to Cite
Peñuela Cañizal, E. (1994). Uma visão da Europa em expressões plásticas ameríndias . Estudos Avançados, 8(21), 215-237.