Ignácio Rangel
IGNÁCIO Rangel worked during the main changes of second industrial revolution in Brazil, witnessing the making of the central government as the major institution of that process, and its subsequent crisis, in face of the tension arised by the expansion of monopolist capital. Formed on Marxist stock, Rangel left important contributions to the explanation of the agrarian issue and of inflation, seeing both as brought in by the needs of the strategic needs of capital. He also contributed to the analysis of investment projects, that he dealt as part of planning framework Rangel's work belongs to a transition of the international position of Brazil. Staunchly Brazilian, Rangel moved with a great flair of independence towards the dogmas of his time.Downloads
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Dossiê: Pensamento Econômico no Brasil Contemporâneo
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How to Cite
Pedrão, F. C. (2001). Ignácio Rangel . Estudos Avançados, 15(41), 127-137. https://periodicos.usp.br/eav/article/view/9784