Os dois Brasis: quem são, onde estão e como vivem os pobres brasileiros


  • Ana Lydia Sawaya Universidade Federal de São Paulo; Departamento de Fisiologia da Unifesp
  • Gisela Maria Bernardes Solymos Universidade Federal de São Paulo
  • Telma Maria de Menezes Toledo Florêncio Universidade Federal de São Paulo; Universidade Federal do Alagoas
  • Paula Andrea Martins Universidade de São Paulo; Faculdade de Saúde Pública


This article shows the socioeconomic and nutritional conditions of two shantytown populations from the city of São Paulo and Maceió. The results reveal that in Brazil, the association between poverty and nutritional status (including undernutrition and obesity) is complex and not well known. There is a large number of obese individuals among people living below the poverty line in urban areas. Obesity coexists with undernutrition and food insecurity, specially in stunted individuals. A series of studies have shown that obesity can be a sequelae of previous undernutrition. The article describes the need for programmes that focus only the real undernurished individuals and consequently, measure nutritional status, promote health and prenatal care, improve living conditions and fight against mother illiteracy. From the results presented, the article recommend the setting up of Centers for Nutritional Rehabilitation, to fight against undernutrition, aiming the recovery of stunting, and with a strong community based intervention.


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Hunger and malnutrition

How to Cite

Sawaya, A. L., Solymos, G. M. B., Florêncio, T. M. de M. T., & Martins, P. A. (2003). Os dois Brasis: quem são, onde estão e como vivem os pobres brasileiros . Estudos Avançados, 17(48), 21-44. https://periodicos.usp.br/eav/article/view/9918