Nova abordagem para o grave problema da desnutrição infantil


  • Benedito Scaranci Fernandes Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; Faculdade de Medicina


The protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) is the main children's health disturbance in poor countries and regions. The current explanatory models of PEM indicate several factors: feeding; health care; the social and economic situation of the family; and the necessity of adequate social politics. Among the mentioned factors, the health care is the one in which the role of the health professionals is relevant, despite the social origin of the PEM, that makes the care with the malnourished children more difficult. This problem results from the health concept which determinates the professional training and work. The author proposes a health concept based on the family's "heritage" and on the person's "belongingness". The use of this approach has allowed a new kind of children and family care and will make possible the reorganization of health care.


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Hunger and malnutrition

How to Cite

Fernandes, B. S. (2003). Nova abordagem para o grave problema da desnutrição infantil . Estudos Avançados, 17(48), 77-92.