Online Submission
Journal Profile
With a rather unique editorial profile among Brazilian academic publications, Estudos Avançados publishes articles on subjects of humanistic, scientific and technological culture.
Readers include teachers and students from public and private high schools, undergraduate and graduate students from public and private institutions of higher learning, university professors of public and private institutions, researchers, scientists, professionals, community and social movement leaders, public administrators, politicians, businesspeople and journalists, among others.
Consideration of manuscripts
Original articles submitted for consideration will be analyzed firstly by the Editorial Desk for compliance to editorial standards, internal coherence, relevance to the journal's editorial line, and contribution to innovation in its field of knowledge. Important notice: in this stage, the original manuscript must not exceed 40,000 characters with spaces.
If approved in the preliminary stage, the manuscript is forwarded for a merit analysis of its contents. This is the peer review stage, where both the consultants and the authors remain anonymous. The manuscript is analyzed by the journal's assessment tool. Expert opinions submitted by the consultants are reviewed by the Editorial Desk for compliance with the rules of publication, content and relevance. After this process, the manuscript is sent back to its authors with a statement of acceptance, reformulation or rejection.
There is no fee for submission and review articles.
The moral and intellectual rights of articles belong to the authors, not being property of the journal.
Submission of manuscripts
Original articles may be submitted for consideration by e-mail, at, or online via Scielo (Scientific Electronic Library Online).
General guidelines
- The Editorial Desk of Estudos Avançados requests, receives and distributes original texts to qualified consultants for analysis and assessment of merit.
- Authors' credits should include their degrees, job and the institution to which they are affiliated, and recent publications (if any), followed by a personal email.
- The manuscript should include an Abstract (up to ten lines) and a list of keywords, in both Portuguese and English.
- Quotations of up to five lines should be included in the body of the text, highlighted by double quotes. Those with more than five lines should be set apart in an indented paragraph in smaller font.
- Notes should be limited to explanatory texts and comments, if required, set at the end of the text, before the bibliographical references.
- Bibliographical references should be cited between parentheses in the text, in abbreviated form with the author's name, the year of publication and the page number. For example: (Le Goff, 1980, p.134).
- Full bibliographical references should be listed at the end of the text and follow the ABNT rules.
- In addition to being inserted in their proper place in the text itself, image files (tables and/or pictures, graphs, photos etc., in color or B&W) should be sent separately, in the format in which they were originally created and in high resolution for print.
- The Editorial Desk reserves the right to request a reduction in the number of pages of a text.
- The Editorial Desk reserves the right to request a reduction in the number of characters of text titles.