A new measure of the non-inflationary rate of capacity utilisation for the brazilian economy
inflation, capacity utilisation, NIRCU, Phillips CurveAbstract
The aim of the paper is to derive a non-inflationary rate of capacity utilisation (NIRCU) for the Brazilian economy using firm level data stemming from the IBRE/FGV survey on the manufacturing sector. In doing so, we condition the current capacity utilisation rate at the firm level on expected price changes; moreover, we also condition on the information regarding the number of shifts worked, also provided at the firm level, considered as a possible proxy of the investment gap. The NIRCU is found to perform well as an indicator of inflationary pressures in a standard Phillips-curve framework; results shows that even during the crisis the Brazilian NIRCU lies below the current level of capacity, signalling the persistence of Brazilian inflationary tensionsDownloads
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How to Cite
Bezerra, I. de O., & Malgarini, M. (2016). A new measure of the non-inflationary rate of capacity utilisation for the brazilian economy. Economia Aplicada, 20(4), 441-455. https://doi.org/10.11606/1413-8050/ea147737