O uso de estatísticas industriais no Brasil: dificuldades metodológicas e operacionais
indicators, statistics, industryAbstract
This communication assesses the adequacy of the present system of industrial statistics for analysing the complex events and changes occurring in the Brazilian economy and particularly in its industry. These events and changes are related to international trends, changes in domestic economic policy, diffusion of new technologies and restructuring of industrial production organization and management. We emphasize the importance of widening the scope and the breakdown of indicators and qualitative information for use by business managers, policy makers and researchers, as well as the need to reinvigorate IBGE's role as both generator of data and coordinator of a national system of economic information integrated by other public and private institutions.
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IBGE. Matriz de Insumo-Produto — Brasil 1990. Rio de Janeiro, 1996.
IBGE. Estatísticas Históricas do Brasil — Series Econômicas, Demográficas e Sociais 1550 a 1988. 2a ed., 1990.
IBGE. Indicadores Conjunturais da Indústria. Pesquisa Industrial Mensal. Vários números.
IBGE. Matriz de Insumo-Produto — 1980. Textos para Discussão nº 14 do IBGE, maio 1989.
OCDE. Main Economic Indicators. Vários números.
OCDE. Indicators of Industrial Activity. Vários números.
OCDE. Industrial Structure Statistics. Vários números.
OCDE. Historical Statistics. Vários números.
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