Economic activities and deforestation in Brazil's Carajás region. Examining production deforestation linkages
Carajás, Carajás metallurgy complex, deforestation, regional growthAbstract
This paper assesses the impacts of productive activities on macroeconomic conditions and deforestation using a two-region CGE model. The object ofstudy is the interaction between productive sectors (especially agriculture, livestock, timber and pig iron) and deforestation in the Eastern Amazon region ofBrazil. This region, also known as the Carajas Comdor, has experienced rapid growth and settlement over the last three decades. Over this same period a significant portion of its natural resources (particularly forest) has been depleted. The growth simulations reveal that expansion and development of the metals sector only indirectly result in higher levels of deforestation by stimulating the expansion of agriculture and livestock production. The expansion of agricultural activities results in sufficient wood by-products to meet the greater demand for charcoal production caused by development of the metals sector.
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