Desigualdade entre estados na distribuição da renda no Brasil
interstate inequality, income distribution, inequality among economically active persons, decomposition of inequalityAbstract
Using data on income distribution among economically active persons it is shown that from 1970 to 1980 there was a substantial decrease in the interstate inequality in Brazil, ratifying results obtained from data on per capita product of the states. However, the increase in the intra-state inequality more than compensated the decrease in interstate inequality. In 1980 the interestate inequality accounts for less than 10% of total inequality among economically active persons for the class of additively decomposable inequality measures that includes Theil's measures. Considering the economically active population of 22 Federal Units, it is shown that the share of interstate inequality in total inequality is fairly stable in the period 1984-1993. In 1995 this share increases, becoming equal to 7,39% for Theil's T and equal to 9,29% tor Theil's L.
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