Proposta metodológica para a identificação de subcentros urbanos: estudo de caso na região metropolitana de São Paulo
The formal identification of sub-centers is made basically from the replica of three distinct types of methodological procedures, establishment of cutoff values, econometric estimates and exploratory analysis of spatial data, each with its own merits and demerits for intra-urban analysis. However, in a few works, like likeMcMillen & Smith (2003) andMcMillen & Lester (2003), there is a dialogue between the procedures in order to improve results and overcome the weaknesses of each methodological approach. With this goal, this paper proposes a two-stage procedure for identifying sub-centers, comprising two of the methods listed, namely: the exploratory analysis of spatial data and the cutoff values procedure. The subject site is the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo based on data from the Pesquisa Origem e Destino de 2007.Downloads
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How to Cite
Siqueira, L. P. R. (2014). Proposta metodológica para a identificação de subcentros urbanos: estudo de caso na região metropolitana de São Paulo . Economia Aplicada, 18(1), 139-165.