Dinâmica intrarregional do Brasil: quem dirige o crescimento industrial das regiões brasileiras?
This paper analyzes the Brazilian intraregional industry dynamics in order to identify which states lead the industrial growth and to quantify the effects of export shocks in growth and its transmission processes on the state's industrial activity. To this end, an autoregressive vector with parameter constraints was used. The results show that Bahia state has the highest and most permanent effects on the other Northeastern states, while in the Southeast region this is assigned by the state of São Paulo. Furthermore, the Southern region had the greatest regional integration and export shocks had positive effects only in the states of Bahia, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul and Paraná.Downloads
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How to Cite
Arruda, E. F., & Ferreira, R. T. (2014). Dinâmica intrarregional do Brasil: quem dirige o crescimento industrial das regiões brasileiras? . Economia Aplicada, 18(2), 243-270. https://doi.org/10.1590/1413-8050/ea404