A dinâmica locacional da avicultura e suinocultura no Centro-Oeste brasileiro


  • Leopoldo Viriato Saboya Sem Registro de Afiliação



Palabras clave:

Midwest, poultry, hog, Location Theory


With a view to research location dynamics for poultry and hog companies in Brazilian Midwest, an survey was carried out about location decision-making. Among the main results, it's highlighted that only the characteristic businessmen goal has presented significant hypothesis test when crossed with decision variables, showing that, even being a big company, the fact that it's only beginning an activity of whatever kind shows its lack of care about location, differing of that ones which had as goal minimizing expenses with corn. Regarding the location factors that determined a location selection, there was a clear lack of balance between the high importance attributed to raw material vector and most other factor. The results allow to conclude that com is a defining factor for poultry and hog production in the Midwest, serving not only as an attraction factor for companies but also as en element which naturally brings synergetic value-adding activities.


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Cómo citar

Saboya, L. V. . (2002). A dinâmica locacional da avicultura e suinocultura no Centro-Oeste brasileiro. Economia Aplicada, 6(2), 287-315. https://doi.org/10.11606/1413-8050/ea219902