É atrativo tornar-se professor do ensino médio no Brasil? evidências com base em decomposições paramétricas e não paramétricas


  • Ariana Britto Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Fábio Waltenberg Universidade Federal Fluminense




Wage differentials, Teachers' labor market, High school teachers, Attractiveness of teacher's occupation, Ñopo decomposition


The article aims at evaluating the attractiveness of the teaching occupation at the secondary
education level, as reflected by wage gaps between this category of teachers and
other professional categories, based on PNAD data for 2006 and 2009. The methodologies
employed in the paper include the traditional Oaxaca-Blinder´s decomposition,
as well as a non-parametric alternative proposed by Ñopo (2008), which decomposes a
given gap in four terms, emphasizing the gap within a common support of observable
characteristics. Main results indicate that secondary school teachers have a favorable,
albeit decreasing, pay gap when compared to civil servants and private sector workers.
Furthermore, and more disturbing, compared with similarly-skilled professionals, the
situation becomes detrimental to teachers and it shows a decline from 2006 to 2009.
Results obtained using both methodologies indicate that to a great extent the latter gap
cannot be attributed to differences in the distributions of individuals’ characteristics,
but rather to the unexplained fraction, which could translate a low social valuation of
the teachers’ occupation, or a pre- or post-occupational choice productivity gap. In
any case, the low pay for teachers might be one of the factors explaining the lack of
interest of young talented individuals for pursuing careers in education and teaching.


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How to Cite

Britto, A., & Waltenberg, F. (2014). É atrativo tornar-se professor do ensino médio no Brasil? evidências com base em decomposições paramétricas e não paramétricas. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 44(1), 5-44. https://doi.org/10.1590/1980-53574411abfw