The economic development: a proposal of an evolutionary and institucionalist theoretical approach


  • Herton Castiglioni Lopes Universidade Federal da Fronteira do Sul



Economic development, Neo-Schumpeterian, Institutionalism by Veblen, Theory of regulation


The objective of this paper is to propose a theoretical approach in order to analyze the
economic development joining it with the Theory of Regulation, the Old Institutionalism
by Veblen and the Neo-Schumpeterian Economic Evolutionary Theory. The text
congregates the concepts of innovation, routine and technological revolution, showing
that the growth depends on the enterprise to the macroeconomic planning trough
the technical progress. With the Regulation Theory, the instructional ways have to be
adequate to supply the encouragement to the technological innovation and to take
advantage of the opportunities open by the current revolution. To this analysis, the
notion of Veblen’s thought habits are added, which in the macroeconomic development
plans they represent the routines and affect the innovation inside the company.
The habits are still the macroeconomic regulation maintenance, because it strengthens
the confirmation of institutional ways that can affect the accumulation of capital and
the technological development. In conclusion, the development can be understood
throughout institutional ways of agent habits of innovation and technical progress.


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Author Biography

  • Herton Castiglioni Lopes, Universidade Federal da Fronteira do Sul

    Doutor em Economia pela UFRGS. Professor Adjunto da UFFS


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How to Cite

Lopes, H. C. (2015). The economic development: a proposal of an evolutionary and institucionalist theoretical approach. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 45(2), 377-400.