Teoria da valoração como arcabouço teórico para análise do Ethos pró-feminista da protagonista da obra Versailles no Bara


  • Rafael Schuabb Poli da Fonseca Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro




appraisal theory, ethos, feminism, manga, Japan.


The comic Versailles no Bara (“Rose of Versailles” in free translation) - manga targeted toward young women - was released in Japan in 1972, inside the Margaret magazine. In those years the second wave of feminism was spreading increasingly in traditionally hierarchical and patriarchal Japanese society. The protagonist of the manga Versailles no Bara, Oscar François de Jarjayes, a high-ranking military, shows attitudes that seem to reflect some of the feminist ideals. It is intended in this article, then, by the perspective of the Appraisal Theory, examine the elements in the Oscar speech to justify and reflect the ethos of a strong and not submissive woman who, in the plot, reaches a high social status and military in a sexist society and, out of the series, becomes an icon of feminism in those days.


Author Biography

  • Rafael Schuabb Poli da Fonseca, Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro
    Formado em Letras Português/Japonês e mestrando de Lingüística na UERJ.





não definida

How to Cite

Fonseca, R. S. P. da. (2011). Teoria da valoração como arcabouço teórico para análise do Ethos pró-feminista da protagonista da obra Versailles no Bara. Estudos Japoneses, 31, 155-176. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2447-7125.v0i31p155-176