The characters of “The third murder” (Sandome no satsujin) by Hirokazu Koreeda




Hirokazu Koreeda, narrative analysis, character, thriller genre, film structure


The present work aims to realize an investigation into the participation and role played by one of the essential elements in cinematographic plots, in the specific case of this work, the characters present in the plot of the feature film of Japanese production “The third murder” (“Sandome no satsujin”, 2018), directed by Hirokazu Koreeda, belonging to thriller genre. This specific category presents a narrative structure that demands a series of steps in which both
protagonist and antagonist need to undergo in order to the narrative develops and advance. For the textual development, the theoretical basis makes use of the works of Luís Nogueira (2010), Doc Comparato (1995) and Flávio de Campos (2007).


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O TERCEIRO assassinato. Sandome no satsujin. Direção: Hirokazu Koreeda. Produção: Kaoru Matsuzaki e Hijiri Taguchi. Intérpretes: Masaharu Fukuyama, Kôji Yakusho, Shinnosuke

Mitsushima, Suzu Hirose e outros. Roteiro: Hirokazu Koreeda, 2018. 1 DVD (124 min), widescreen, cor, Dolby Digital. Produzido por Amuse, Fuji IG Laboratory for Movies (FILM), Fuji Television Network e GAGA.






How to Cite

Sugai, M. (2022). The characters of “The third murder” (Sandome no satsujin) by Hirokazu Koreeda. Estudos Japoneses, 47, 71-88.