Perpetuation, Resilience and the Kendô’s Forms
Martial Arts, Forma, Kendô, Nippon Kendô KataAbstract
Based on the evidences of an intense dialogue with neighboring peoples in the development of Japanese artistic traditions, we see the method of teaching through “kata”, specifically in Kendô and its forms Nippon Kendo Kata and Bokutô-ni-yoru Kendô Kihon-waza Keiko-hô, as an exercise in resilience and perpetuation of an intensely changing practice. For this, the forms of spelling in ideograms of the “kata” romanization are recovered, and the context of production of the two sets of move
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Copyright (c) 2022 Rafael Itsuo Takahashi, Lucas Lins Oliveira, Mariana Harumi Cruz Tsukamoto

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