Trauma and gender in Ibuse Masuji´´´´'s Black Rain (1965)




Trauma Literature, Hibakusha literature, Gender, Black Rain, Ibuse Masuji


Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed by the atomic bombs in August 6 and 9, respectively. In both cities, the victims have suffered from physical and emotional trauma
depicted in literary works, denominated as hibakusha literature (victims of atomic bombs). This article intends to examine the word of Ibuse Masuji and its characteristics, in special, the novel Black Rain (Kuroi Ame, 1965), one of the most famous works in this literary genre, with the objective to discuss the trauma suffered by the character Yasuko. It will also examine the development of trauma literature and hibakusha literature, as well as to provide a brief biography of Ibuse Masuji.


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How to Cite

Yamamoto, L. . (2022). Trauma and gender in Ibuse Masuji´´´´’s Black Rain (1965) . Estudos Japoneses, 48, 99-113.