Os Teniwoha nos primeiros tratados dos poemas renga da era medieval japonesa


  • Eliza Atsuko Tashiro-Perez



Palabras clave:

medieval Japanese, teni(wo)ha, grammatical morphemes, renga poetry.


Continuing the studies on grammatical morphemes named teni{wo)ha this article presents the treaties on renga poetics. In Tashiro-Perez 2010,1 have presented early treaties on waka poetics. In this article we try to interpret some comments about the importance of teni{wo)ha in renga poems. And also frames-summary of types of teni(wo)ha explained in each work, establishing parallel with the class of joshi, defined by Yoshio Yamada (1873-1958). And, at the end of this text, we have introduced some studies of Meiji, Taisho and early Showa periods about morphemes teni(wo)ha, which shall receive new names and grammatical and more precise definition through attempts to seek specifics of the Japanese language.


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Cómo citar

Os Teniwoha nos primeiros tratados dos poemas renga da era medieval japonesa. (2011). Estudos Japoneses, 31, 27-44. https://doi.org/10.11606/ej.v0i31.143040