A gestão da escolarização dos filhos: considerações sobre as experiências de escolarização bem sucedidas entre famílias de descendentes japoneses


  • Hiromi Shibata Universidade Paulista



Palabras clave:

prática educativa familiar, descendentes japoneses, estratégias de escolarização, capital cultural


The goal of this article was to highlight the account of two family experiences that occurred in two distinct social and historical places in order to examine the corrélations among educational practices adopted by parents and the good school performance of their children. Based on Pierre Bourdieu, it attempted to investigate the shapes of family management to assure schooling for their children,the importance of cultural capital was observed and the legacy from the family for the school achievement. The observation of the school practices adopted by the parents allowed us to affirm that such achievements depended not only on the exhortations to the school effort in which the Japanese cultural inherence is included, but also the way these dispositions were incorporated so that they constitute successful strategies of schooling,shaped by family competences.


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Biografía del autor/a

  • Hiromi Shibata, Universidade Paulista
    Docente do Curso de Pedagogia da Universidade Paulista (UNIP-SP).





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Cómo citar

Shibata, H. (2012). A gestão da escolarização dos filhos: considerações sobre as experiências de escolarização bem sucedidas entre famílias de descendentes japoneses. Estudos Japoneses, 32, 61-76. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2447-7125.v0i32p61-76