Crenças sobre a habilidade de fala dos aprendizes da língua japonesa como LE (Língua Estrangeira) em um curso universitário: uma analise da metodologia de ensino
DOI :és :
beliefs, speaking ability, Japanese oral expression teaching, approach, method.Résumé
In this paper we investigate a methodology used in Japanese Oral Expression 1 classes (intermediate levei) of a public university and the professor’s and students’ beliefs in relation to the methodology regarding the speaking ability. The aim of this research is to investigate and systematize (1) approaches,methods and techniques used by the professor and her beliefs conceming them and (2) students’ beliefs regarding the methodology used by the professor,and their speaking ability. This research is a qualitative approach and its nature is a case study. Our investigation was conducted in a Japanese Language and Literature course of a public university of Federal District. The participants were a professor and seven students of Oral Expression 1 classes. The data was collected by means of mix questionnaires, classroom observation with field notes,audio recordings of lectures and semi-structured interviews. The results suggest that the Japanese Oral Expression 1 professor’ belief is related to the grammar-translation approach,but in reality,she uses the direct method and communicative approach in the classroom. For students of this research,speaking is the most important language skill and also the most difficult one. We also found out that students are dissatisfied with their speaking ability.##plugins.themes.default.displayStats.downloads##
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(c) Copyright Jaqueline M. Fukushi, Yuki Mukai 2012

Ce travail est disponible sous licence Creative Commons Attribution - Pas d’Utilisation Commerciale 4.0 International.
Comment citer
Fukushi, J. M., & Mukai, Y. (2012). Crenças sobre a habilidade de fala dos aprendizes da língua japonesa como LE (Língua Estrangeira) em um curso universitário: uma analise da metodologia de ensino. Estudos Japoneses, 32, 77-100.