Are music and mathematics worked on in an interdisciplinary way during early childhood education?


  • Rocío Chao Fernández Universidade da Coruña
  • María Dorinda Mato Vázquez Universidade da Coruña
  • Andrea Mª López Chao Universidade da Coruña



Abstract The purpose of this investigation is to analyse whether music and mathematics are subjects taught in an interdisciplinary way in the earliest school years, a methodological option that had a great impact in the past few years on this educational stage, opposed to the traditional methods.The sample is made up by 360 teachers of early childhood education and musical education from both public and private schools in the province of a Coruña (Galicia, Spain). To carry through the analysis, we designed a questionnaire that was applied in November 2013. The results show that most of the teachers belong to public schools and give the same importance to both subjects, music and mathematics. They consider that it is important to work on them in an interdisciplinary way, as that improves the integral academic training of students. In the majority of the cases, there exists a different teacher for each subject, and they do not program or use materials and activities jointly, although they do evaluate in a interdisciplinary manner. Lastly, in the discussion we make certain final considerations that evidence what makes investigation important, as our findings allow us to know what is happening in the classrooms and lead us to confirm the need for teacher education to give an impulse to the teaching-learning process of music and mathematics through interdisciplinarity.


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How to Cite

Are music and mathematics worked on in an interdisciplinary way during early childhood education? . (2015). Educação E Pesquisa, 41(4), 1009-1022.