Educational practices and amusements amid nature

physical culture in Curitiba (1886-1914)


  • Marcelo Moraes e Silva Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Evelise Amgarten Quitzau Universidad de la República
  • Carmen Lucia Soares Universidade Estadual de Campinas



Nature, Educational practices, Amusements, Physical culture


Educational practices amid nature and the emergence of a physical culture in Curitiba, between 1886 and 1914, are the main topic of this paper. The city of Curitiba was born under the auspices of urban planning precepts anchored on medical and sanitary ideations; on notions, concepts, and norms that established new relations with nature, and in which gardens, parks, and wooded streets composed its boundaries. This paper aims at comprehending the different manifestations of physical culture towards and alongside nature that were set up in Curitiba as constitutive of new educational practices in the city. Regarding the methodology, we have carried out a documental research using the newspaper O Diário da Tarde as main source, supplemented by the newspapers A República, A Tribuna, and Dezenove de Dezembro. Likewise other Brazilian cities, a discourse that valued physical culture alongside nature was present in Curitiba and was part of its urbanization process accordingly to the parameters provided by a new republican order that was settling in the country in the late 19th century and the early 20th century. Among all the urban improvements that reached Curitiba, a new discourse was also produced, under the influence of the notion of physical culture, which allowed the emergence of actions in parks and squares, as well as the creation of numerous sporting associations


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How to Cite

Educational practices and amusements amid nature: physical culture in Curitiba (1886-1914). (2019). Educação E Pesquisa, 44, e178293.