The state of the art in psychoanalysis and education in Rio Grande do Sul (2000-2016)




Psychoanalysis, Education, Bibliographic survey


This study is part of a Brazilian research project made by the Working Group (WG) “Psychoanalysis and Education” of the Psychology Research and Graduate National Association (ANPEPP). In 2015, this WG produced and disseminated a big data survey of different Brazilian regions aiming to create a national portrait of the Psychoanalysis and Education field. This effort, which is a result of other similar movements in the area, provided us with a snapshot of the research investigations, as well as the methodologies used by the different Research Centers and Laboratories involved with the theme in the different regions of the country. Seeking to continue conducting the most expressive studies on this theme, our objectives are: trace an overview of the Psychoanalysis and Education academic production circumscribed in the period from January 2020 to August 2016; identify and question the main theoretical axis researched in the field; organize and potentialize articulations among the different researchers of the area. For this purpose, we use the bibliographic survey as a methodological strategy in order to present an overview of academic production. We understand that it is important to deepen the overview of the Psychoanalysis and Education field in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, since this region has been implicated in different production waves throughout the recent years. With these efforts done, our goal is to create a bigger working synergy among the field researchers, to understand future possibilities in the area, to facilitate exchanges between the subjects, to think over the enlargement of the field with more density, to trace possible methodological paths and achieve some improvement in the quality of the researches.


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How to Cite

The state of the art in psychoanalysis and education in Rio Grande do Sul (2000-2016). (2020). Educação E Pesquisa, 46, 1-15.