The dionysian Leibniz of Gilles Deleuze


  • Maria Luiza Lima Seabra Universidade de São Paulo



Sufficient reason, Grounding, Will to power, Event, Philosophy of difference


Deleuze's interpretation of Leibniz, best known for his commentary on Leibniz in The Fold (1995), has its main premises already outlined in Difference and Repetition (1968). Aiming to constitute a philosophy of difference, Deleuze questions the foundation of the Principle of Sufficient Reason on the Principle of Identity. This leads to a rather heterodox interpretation of Leibniz, that brings him closer to Nietzsche. Leibniz appears as the obscure, Dionysian thinker of a sui generis rationalism. We aim to explain this interpretation through a consideration of the project of the philosophy of difference as the demand for a radical critique of the foundation that leads to to unreason and to universal groundlessness. In this context, it is necessary to understand the affinity between Leibniz and Nietzsche, the latter being the one in whom Deleuze finds the "true sufficient reason".


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Author Biography

  • Maria Luiza Lima Seabra, Universidade de São Paulo



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How to Cite

Seabra, M. L. L. . (2024). The dionysian Leibniz of Gilles Deleuze. Cadernos Espinosanos, 50, 169-198.

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