Modes of contact in contemporary scenic music


  • Gustavo Bonin Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro



Modes of Contact, Scenic Music, Tensive Semiotics


Based on the directions proposed by Claude Zilberberg's text "The Semiotic Conditions of Miscegenation", the article will circumscribe Contemporary Scenic Music as a practice that brings into play the contact between musical and scenic elements, both governed by an underlying musical organization. In the guide of the different aspects of contemporary and experimental music, some authors emphasize the scenic presence of music concerts using strategies of lighting, costumes, gestures, staging, etc. We propose to observe the strategies of dominance, transport and ambivalence between the musical presences and the scenic presences, through the gradual and aspectual configuration of the modes of contact. Zilberberg predicts four aspectual and gradual states of interaction, ranging from the nearest to the most distant [merger - merger - contiguity - separation], and also two elementary syntaxes of the mixture, that of participation and deprivation, the movement of the quantities that make up the contact presences. Finally, we will outline a description of musical regency as a sensitive basis that guides the perception of the subject involved in the hybrid practice of Scenic Music.


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Author Biography

  • Gustavo Bonin, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

    Professor substituto do Departamento de Musicologia da Escola de Música da Universidade
    Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).


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How to Cite

Bonin, G. (2019). Modes of contact in contemporary scenic music. Estudos Semióticos, 15, 167-183.