Complexity of repetition




Rhythm, Aspect, Tempo, Repetition, Textual progression


The vast presence of repetition in texts invites multiple approaches. On this article, we investigate the relation of repetition and the construction of tension, expectation, and, finally, a textual rhythm. To do so, we inquire on its role as the manifestation of a manifested structure, which is organized around the notions of aspect and tempo. Such configuration is thus drawn up by means of the investigation of extreme cases: impossible texts. We then compare repetition with the mechanisms behind isotopy and explanation and argue for a difference in the configuration of tensive styles, where repetition, initially lacking stress and direction, later produces an ascending style of tension due to the excessive permanence on the same unstressed state. Finally, the structure under scrutiny is approached from the perspective of the text as a whole and repetition is treated as a factor on the construction of the evolution regime of texts, which is seen as progressing in small, localized circles, in large arches (taking up the whole text), or by intertwining circles in a spiral progression. The bond between what is lacking and what surprises which is brought to light by the inner workings of repetition seems to bring about a tensive solution to the opposition between classical French school semiotics and the point of view inaugurated by Claude Zilberberg.


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Author Biography

  • Carolina Lindenberg Lemos, Universidade Federal do Ceará

    Docente do Departamento de Letras Vernáculas da Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC).


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