Claude Zilberberg: the aestheticized semiotics


  • Norma Discini Universidade de São Paulo



Tribute, Tensive space, Aspect, Subject


Algirdas Julien Greimas (2014), when writing about believing and knowing, alludes briefly to the conversion of the epistemic act into interpretative doing and into discursive process. To do so, he compares the concept of aspect with the role of the reader observer. In the same work, when discussing the world semiosis, he alludes to a “patient” subject, that, other than that active or agent one, is confronted with the modal status of the contemplated object. Otherwise, Claude Zilberberg (2011) anchors the notion of aspect in a tensive space, while he creates conditions for the description of the subject as the one that presents itself hit by an extraordinary event. In our reflections, we compare how issues of aspectual processing and of a “patient” subject formation, come to light within the framework of narrativity, resonate in tensive semiotics. Meanwhile, we also confront styles sketched in the discursive genres and configured as authorial styles. We are moved by the desire to honor Zilberberg, who, having recently departed from this life, leaves us with an epistemological legacy which allows us to understand the aesthesia which constitutes the language, the subject and the discourses, all coming from the most diverse fields of knowledge.


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Author Biography

  • Norma Discini, Universidade de São Paulo

    Docente do Programa de Pós-graduação em Semiótica e Linguística geral da Universidade de São
    Paulo (USP).


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How to Cite

Discini, N. (2019). Claude Zilberberg: the aestheticized semiotics. Estudos Semióticos, 15, 88-103.