Fragments of a political discourse. Critical interventions


  • Gianfranco Marrone Universidade de Palermo



Discursive Semiotics, Semiotics of passions, Political discourse, Strategies, Ethics


This essay defends the relevance of the semiotic regards on politics, as well as the political characteristic of semiotic research. Through the development of discursive organization in contemporary politics and the idea of political discourse, the author analyzes and reflects about the themes and the passions which he identifies a specific path of semiotics to answer the questions raised by the any political fields. For this, it performs critical interventions, as a founding semiotic posture. The work also aims at dismantling naturalized myths and meanings. These semiotic gestures are a consequence of the general orientation that allows the production of discourses: a political and ethical posture that guides the semiotic processes of construction and interpretation of discursive devices.


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Author Biography

  • Gianfranco Marrone, Universidade de Palermo

    Docente da Universidade de Palermo, Itália.


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How to Cite

Marrone, G. (2019). Fragments of a political discourse. Critical interventions. Estudos Semióticos, 15(1), 1-17.